Reflexercise: Train Your Brain to be LESS Reactive to Stress, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Depression, Trauma and PTSD Right from Home
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Reflexercise® is an instructional manual that will provide you the background information to understand the science behind the technique and the simple instructions to perform in order to train your brain to be less reactive to stress, anxiety, chronic pain, depression, trauma and post traumatic stress.
Don’t buy this instructional manual if you are looking for a “miracle cure” for your problems.  Sadly, no miracle cure exists.  However, if you are looking for a tool that is founded upon science, easy to perform and proven effective, then you are in the right place.
Reflexercise is the first step of a revolutionary new treatment approach designed specifically to treat chronic conditions, called Associative Awareness Technique™ (AAT™).  This manual provides you access to the first step of AAT so you can begin training your nervous system to change the patterns that contribute to chronic conditions right from home.
Because Reflexercise is self applied, takes less than 30 seconds to perform and is so effective for those that use it as directed, I’ve written this manual for anyone to benefit from the first step of AAT.  Please understand, that one performance of Reflexercise won’t change anything in the long run.  Consistent performance of Reflexercise is required to retrain your brain’s learned habits regarding stress and pain.
While relaxation is a fantastic benefit of Reflexercise, it is not the ultimate goal.  The primary use of this tool is to influence neuroplasticity within your own brain and change old, habituated responses to stress, pain, depression, anxiety and post traumatic stress.
Ultimately, Reflexercise produces homeostasis, or balance, within the Central Nervous System.  This means balance within your brain.  With consistent performance, you can actually train your brain to remain balanced, even during stressful or painful events.  When your brain is able to maintain a state of balance, your body will follow its lead.  For many of you suffering from the chronic conditions already mentioned, this is when and how true healing can begin.
What do Stress, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Depression, Trauma and even Post Traumatic Syndrome all have in common? All of these conditions are caused by the Central Nervous System.  When any Human Being is exposed to a potential or perceived life threat situation, the Central Nervous System activates our Survival Instincts to take over and protect our lives.  Cutting edge neuroscience has allowed us to understand this process with new insights, including: Why and how our Survival Instincts are activated and how these repeated patterns of protection create chronic problems within our bodies.
We’ve discovered that once these protective patterns are turned on, for many people they don’t turn off.  The long term result of living in this state of neurologically driven protection includes changes to almost every system within the body.  This long term disruption of normal function within multiple body systems is the cause of most chronic conditions.
The problem with designing an intervention that produces lasting results for the millions of people suffering from chronic conditions, is trying to effectively communicate with the Central Nervous System.  This is the primary stumbling block to developing effective treatment programs for chronic conditions.
Reflexercise® is designed to communicate to our Central Nervous System that we no longer require these instinctively driven protective patterns, resulting in the restoration of balance within the brain. When the brain is balanced, then and only then, will the body’s systems be allowed to return to normal function.  This brain / body balance, when reproduced regularly, allows for remarkable healing to occur.  Even for many suffering from complex, long term conditions that have not responded to anything else.

19 reviews for Reflexercise: Train Your Brain to be LESS Reactive to Stress, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Depression, Trauma and PTSD Right from Home

  1. A. Lowell
    August 3, 2018
    5.0 out of 5 stars I can't speak for everyone else but have heard other amazing stories and I truly think it's the simplicity of ...
    This technique pulled me out of autoimmune disease, finally, when none of my four brain retraining programs could quite get me there. So I can attest ...More
    This technique pulled me out of autoimmune disease, finally, when none of my four brain retraining programs could quite get me there. So I can attest to it being the last step I needed after a long healing process. I can't speak for everyone else but have heard other amazing stories and I truly think it's the simplicity of this that works, and the fact you can do it anytime without anyone seeing you or knowing what you're doing, and with only a couple minutes investment, max. For $10, this would be the best money ever spent, if you have any chronic pain or disease. Beware of limbic resistance at first night of it, I was up all night. Then my whole world changed.
    Helpful? 0 0
    December 3, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars Stressed? MUST get this book!
    Anyone who is struggling with chronic pain or stress symptoms WILL benefit from this! Love that it is presented in easy to grasp wording. You will a...More
    Anyone who is struggling with chronic pain or stress symptoms WILL benefit from this! Love that it is presented in easy to grasp wording. You will absolutely identify and gain hope from his program! Must have information-knowledge is power for healing.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Sandy J
    October 28, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars I saw it with my own eyes
    I have seen Scott treat an elderly man, all hunched over at the waist when he walked. He could not straighten up. He reported that he had suffered fr...More
    I have seen Scott treat an elderly man, all hunched over at the waist when he walked. He could not straighten up. He reported that he had suffered from back pain since 1967, when he tried to load a tree onto a flatbed trailer all by himself. He said he had been to every kind of Doctor imaginable, with no relief. Scott did what I consider to be "his magical treatment" on the man for just a few minutes. The man got up off the table and hesitatingly straightened up to his full height, with a look of surprise on his face. He exclaimed," It's gone. It's all gone. There is no pain." I was as surprised as he was. I asked" You mean you have no pain at all?" He said, "No, it is all gone" Later, he was in a chair and got up to go get something. He got up and started walking in his hunched over position. Then, with a smile on his face, straightened up, saying "I don't have to do that anymore" and walked away standing straight and tall. I understand that not everyone is going to have such dramatic results, but for those with pain issues - and that means both mental or physical pain, this therapist has a treatment that is hard to believe.
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    Doc’s wife
    October 16, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars Stress Relief that Really Works
    [[ASIN:B0090S9XFG Reflexercise: Train Your Brain to be LESS Reactive to Stress, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Depression, Trauma and PTSD Right from Home]My ...More
    [[ASIN:B0090S9XFG Reflexercise: Train Your Brain to be LESS Reactive to Stress, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Depression, Trauma and PTSD Right from Home]

    My stress began when my son was catastrophically injured in an automobile accident and was left a C4-5 quadriplegic. This ongoing nightmare for any family left me with chronic GI problems and migraine headaches. Lately, I have been suffering with debilitating pain from neck disc issues. However, after discovering and diligently practising the techniques I discovered in REFLEXERCISE, I have been able to taper off the GI medications and rarely have a migraine. The exercises that have relieved my stress and helped me to relax have also resulted in less neck pain. REFLEXERCISE has been a life-saver for me. I thank Scott Musgrave and his book for making a tremendous improvement in the quality of my life. I'll be recommending this one to all of my friends.
    Helpful? 0 0
    October 15, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars profound oppty for healing you!
    I am delighted with  how my body felt after applying the process in this book. I know Reflexercise will make a difference in my healing journey o...More
    I am delighted with  how my body felt after applying the process in this book. I know Reflexercise will make a difference in my healing journey on multiple levels.
    Helpful? 0 0
    October 13, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars From the first page
    Rlėxîvė Įndûdîng. (...)From the first page there's an induction transduction of the matter of Åmpliation & de~creation. So Yės ~ Recomendation App...More
    Rlėxîvė Įndûdîng. (...)

    From the first page there's an induction transduction of the matter of Ă…mpliation & de~creation. So YÄ—s ~ Recomendation Approvved
    Helpful? 0 0
    Amazon Rep
    October 5, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars Anything that Helps Us with Pain is a Winner!
    Reflexercise: Train Your Brain to be LESS Reactive to Stress, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Depression, Trauma and PTSD Right from Home give...More
    Reflexercise: Train Your Brain to be LESS Reactive to Stress, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Depression, Trauma and PTSD Right from Home

    gives you techniques that can help you alleviate pain, feel more relaxed and more. At some point in our lives we all will have pain so who couldn't use these techniques... a must read!
    Helpful? 0 0
    October 2, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars Very informative -- a must read
    Wow! This book is detailed and very informative, yet is not at all boring to read. I read straight through the whole book and am inspired to try thi...More
    Wow! This book is detailed and very informative, yet is not at all boring to read. I read straight through the whole book and am inspired to try this technique. I like these shorter type books which provide all of the information you need, without all the extra fluff.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Rena Hicks
    October 2, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing read
    This is an easy, effective technique to use to achieve relaxation and peace. What we need right now is the tools to achieve peace and recovery from s...More
    This is an easy, effective technique to use to achieve relaxation and peace. What we need right now is the tools to achieve peace and recovery from stress that is eating us alive. I can't say enough about the science behind this technique. My patients love it, I love it, and want others to experience this.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Cindy Makasziw, PT
    October 1, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars Reflexercise
    I am a physical therapist working with a wide variety of patients with chronic pain, post surgical, fibromyalgia and anxiety disorders to name a few. ...More
    I am a physical therapist working with a wide variety of patients with chronic pain, post surgical, fibromyalgia and anxiety disorders to name a few. This is the most valuable tool I have been able to give my patients and family to help control and eventually reverse their symptoms. This technique is perfect because it is able to be done by anyone and is so easy.
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    M. S.
    October 1, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars Helpful Program
    I suffered from chronic shoulder pain and have been told that my muscles hold a lot of tension around that area. I have searched for a simple, accessi...More
    I suffered from chronic shoulder pain and have been told that my muscles hold a lot of tension around that area. I have searched for a simple, accessible way to calm my mind and relax. I've found that method with Scott Musgrave's Reflexercise. The author takes a very complex subject and simplies it so any person can understand how to get the brain "unstuck" on pain, and get rid of stress. My pain is decreasing and I think with more practice it will even be better.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Lori Snyder
    October 1, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars Very Do-able!
    I bought this book because my chiropractor told me I "carry a lot of tension" in my body all the time. He suggested I try meditating, and I know a lo...More
    I bought this book because my chiropractor told me I "carry a lot of tension" in my body all the time. He suggested I try meditating, and I know a lot of people have had great results with meditation, but I just couldn't seem to fit that kind of time into my busy schedule (hence the tension I carry all the time).

    Reflexercise, however, is something I can easily fit into my day. I've only been practicing it for about a week, but I already see and feel results. For what seems like the first time ever, I know now what it feels like to be relaxed. Now that I understand what that feels like, I realize that what my chiropractor said was true; I was carrying a lot of stress all the time. It's made an enormous difference in how I go about my day.

    If you're like me, you may not realize how tense you are all the time and you could be suffering needlessly because of it.
    Helpful? 0 0
    September 30, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars Very patient friendly
    Reflexercise is an innovative approach to chronic pain, stress, trauma, etc that everyone should try! Chronic pain is something that is often ignored,...More
    Reflexercise is an innovative approach to chronic pain, stress, trauma, etc that everyone should try! Chronic pain is something that is often ignored, because patients with chronic pain and their practitioners do not know how to adequately approach it because the manifestations of trauma and stress on the body can vary from person to person. Reflexercise is the ultimate tool! This book is written in very patient-friendly language and is very easy to integrate into everyday life.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Muscle Pain Doc
    September 27, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars Must read for anyone with chronic pain or treating those with chronic pain
    Chronic pain is a complex biopsychosocial experience. Modern neuroscience teaches us that the nervous system is constantly making new connections and ...More
    Chronic pain is a complex biopsychosocial experience. Modern neuroscience teaches us that the nervous system is constantly making new connections and pathways. Some of these pathways are reinforced by our thinking, experiences or behaviors. This is known as neuroplasticity. Chronic pain is an example of this neuroplasticity gone awry. The brain and nervous system literally become "stuck" on pain, pain thoughts, pain feelings, pain behaviors. This can affect all other systems in the body through the upregulation of the autonomic nervous system and "stress response".

    Scott Musgrave has taken a very complex subject, studied it extensively and simplified it for all to understand. In this book, he explains the role of stress in different body systems. He teaches a simple, yet profound, technique to reverse the negative changes that have occurred in the nervous system in those with chronic pain and other disorders. Best of all, Reflexercise is something that you can do yourself or teach to others in a short amount of time. It can be used with other treatment techniques. Most importantly, it allows the pain sufferer to take control of their own "stuck" nervous system and begin to make changes. It is very empowering to understand that you can truly change your own nervous system and therby change your pain.

    I highly recommend this book to both pain sufferers and those who treat people with chronic pain. I use the information from this book everyday in both my personal life and clinical practice.

    Bryan J. O'Neill, MD
    Clinical Assistant Professor
    Rehabilitation Medicine
    Jefferson Medical College
    Philadelphia PA
    Helpful? 0 0
    Gail Orrin, MS and Louie Arias, MS, Exercise Physiologists
    September 24, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars Reflexercise is Simple and Effective.
    Reflexercise has changed the way we train and treat our clients. We use Reflexercise daily on ourselves and on our clients with amazing results. Sco...More
    Reflexercise has changed the way we train and treat our clients. We use Reflexercise daily on ourselves and on our clients with amazing results. Scott Musgrave, MSPT, has taken on an epidemic of conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, addictions and many other physical states and has created an amazing technique for rebalancing the nervous system to resolve them. Reflexercise is a simple, gentle, self-applied technique that anyone can perform, anywhere and at any time. Our clients are seeing faster results and reaching peak performance when using Reflexercise in the fitness center and at home. We highly recommend this book to medical professionals, fitness trainers, business professionals and anyone suffering from any chronic condition. Reflexercise will change the way you look at many physical and emotional conditions! We highly recommend it!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Cyndi Krupp
    September 24, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars Easy, Fun, and So far the results are Promising
    This book is really easy to read - it is clear and concise - and it quickly and easily outlines an exercise that anyone can do anywhere to bring onese...More
    This book is really easy to read - it is clear and concise - and it quickly and easily outlines an exercise that anyone can do anywhere to bring oneself back into balance. I have been working with reflexercise now for only a few days but already I am beginning to notice a shift - and I find myself telling my friends and contacts about it. I think the decision to purchase this book is a no brainer - and I am committed to really giving what the technique Scott has outlined a try
    Helpful? 0 0
    September 23, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars Changing lives every day
    Reflexercise is the best technique you can use to decrease the stress of every day life. It is a tool that can be used anywhere and does not require ...More
    Reflexercise is the best technique you can use to decrease the stress of every day life. It is a tool that can be used anywhere and does not require any additional equipment. It works immediately to calm your nervous system. As a licensed Physical Therapist specializing in chronic pain, I think it is the very best tool I have to teach my clients. I have seen amazing results using this technique. Thanks Scott for giving this to us!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Dr. Robert Morea – PT
    September 23, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars Eliminates Chronic Pain and more
    As a Physical Therapist for 15 years, I have to say that Reflexercise is the most empowering tool that can be used for chronic pain. After treating h...More
    As a Physical Therapist for 15 years, I have to say that Reflexercise is the most empowering tool that can be used for chronic pain. After treating hundreds of patients with Reflexercise I have become a huge believer. If you are a professional treating people with pain then make your job easier by learning this tool. If you have pain, then start using Reflexercise and after several days to 1 week you will feel better. Don't make the mistake of underestimating this powerful tool due to its simplicity. This is the Chronic Pain Eliminator! So stick with it! It also works for the other chronic conditions as advertised.
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    Ernie Quinlisk
    September 23, 2012
    5.0 out of 5 stars What seemed impossible is now possible with Reflexercise!
    Scott Musgrave, MSPT has taken the complexity of chronic pain, anxiety, depression, PTSD and many other physical conditions and has created a simple w...More
    Scott Musgrave, MSPT has taken the complexity of chronic pain, anxiety, depression, PTSD and many other physical conditions and has created a simple way to alleviate or eliminate these aggravating and often life long conditions. His compelling and logical explanations of how the brain affects the body are easy to understand. As a physical therapist that treats chronic pain on a daily basis, I would be lost and completely ineffective without this amazingly simple tool. My patients simply do not improve without using Reflexercise on a daily basis. Personally and professionally, I am a different person since I have been using Reflexercise. It is easy to learn and perform and affords many of my patients an option other than the usual trip to the medicine cabinet. Everyone needs to read this book, but more importantly, everyone needs to do Reflexercise.
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